7 Output Plot Types

7.2 Descriptions

  1. Heterogeneity Barplot
  • Visualizes sample compositon (or expression levels within samples) in patients, indicative of intrapatient heterogeneity.
    Heterogeneity barplot stacked (first image) and filled to 100% (second) created by Hourglass.Heterogeneity barplot stacked (first image) and filled to 100% (second) created by Hourglass.

    Figure 7.2: Heterogeneity barplot stacked (first image) and filled to 100% (second) created by Hourglass.

  1. Survival Plot
  • Determines survival outcome via plotting of Kaplan Meier curve, logrank test, and tables containing patient counts. Only performed on patients (not samples).
    Survival curve created by Hourglass.

    Figure 7.3: Survival curve created by Hourglass.

  1. Paired Patient Slopegraph
  • Enables screening of any intra-patient differences that may be reflective of heterogeneity. Points are averaged values across strata per patient. Lines connect different averages within patients.
    Patient paired plot created by Hourglass.

    Figure 7.4: Patient paired plot created by Hourglass.

  1. Discrete Barplot
  • Visualizes discrete values of a parameter in each stain, that is, numeric in the input data but should be considered discrete. E.g. A parameter called “Heterogeneity Score” contains values 1-10 but should be “1”, “2”, .. “10”.
    Plot showing discrete parameters created by Hourglass.

    Figure 7.5: Plot showing discrete parameters created by Hourglass.

  1. Overview Boxplot
  • Screen primary data for interesting relationships in one plot and significance associations.
    Overview boxplot with statistics created by Hourglass.

    Figure 7.6: Overview boxplot with statistics created by Hourglass.

  1. Individual Boxplot
  • Visualizes data points for each features/parameter combination and relevant statistics from comparing strata.
    Individual boxplot (left) and example with real data (right) created by Hourglass.Individual boxplot (left) and example with real data (right) created by Hourglass.

    Figure 7.7: Individual boxplot (left) and example with real data (right) created by Hourglass.

  1. Profile Barplot
  • Compare set of markers across different strata for each patient/sample.
    Profile barplot stacked (first) and filled to 100% (second), created by Hourglass.Profile barplot stacked (first) and filled to 100% (second), created by Hourglass.

    Figure 7.8: Profile barplot stacked (first) and filled to 100% (second), created by Hourglass.

  1. Expression Heatmap
  • Provides overview of patterns in stain data. When there are no NA/missing values (in imputed version for example), values will be clustered using unsupervised hierarchal clustering.
    Heatmap showing expression of features, created by Hourglass.

    Figure 7.9: Heatmap showing expression of features, created by Hourglass.

  1. Fold-change (FC) p-value Heatmap
  • Screen for patterns of fold-changes between strata in comparisons and overall significance seen in individuals boxplots.
  • Fold-changes of strata are shown as color gradient and significance between two groups are presented as stars/numbers.
    Plot showing fold-change values (color gradients) and p-values (stars/number), created by Hourglass.

    Figure 7.10: Plot showing fold-change values (color gradients) and p-values (stars/number), created by Hourglass.

  1. Correlation Plot
  • Provides correlations between cell communities and their interactions, e.g. of an insight that can be drawn: correlations between fibroblast markers in one cancer subtype and anti-correlated with immune cells in another. Can only be performed on imputed (no missing values) dataset.
  • spearman or pearson
  • Only created when there are no NA/missing values - for example in 1) imputed version, and 2) “complete” rows in feature sets.
    Correlation plot created by Hourglass.

    Figure 7.11: Correlation plot created by Hourglass.

  1. Correlation Scatter Plot
  • Provides details of correlations, such as regression, scatter plots, correlation coefficients and significant and histograms of values used. Can only be performed on imputed (no missing values) dataset.
  • Only created when there are no NA/missing values - for example in 1) imputed version, and 2) “complete” rows in feature setsc
    Correlation scatter plot created by Hourglass.

    Figure 7.12: Correlation scatter plot created by Hourglass.

  1. ID Table
  • Provides sample/patient ID and strata used in comparison, useful for custom comparisons (where groups are assigned by Hourglass) and to see which samples/patients were included after filter inclusion/exclusion.
    ID table (csv file) created by Hourglass.

    Figure 7.13: ID table (csv file) created by Hourglass.

7.3 File Information and Location

See table below for details about the output files in the Hourglass output folder hierarchy.

Note for Folder Path:

  • 0 = main output folder created by Hourglass in working directory, YYMMDD Hourglass, where YYMMDD = date of run, e.g. 250721 (Jul 21, 2026).
  • 1 = BySample, BySample imputed, ByPatient, ByPatient imputed.
  • 2 = comparison name, e.g. Sex.
  • 3 = feature set name, e.g. Tcell markers.

Note for Filename:

  • [comparison] = e.g. Sex.
  • [feature] = e.g. IL6.
  • [parameter] = e.g. Num.Positive.Pixels.
  • [feature set] = e.g. Tcell markers.
Plot Folder Path File Name R Function
Heterogeneity Barplot 0/BySample/2/ [comparison]_samples.pdf plot_het_barplot()
Survival Plot 0/ByPatient/Survival/2/ [comparison]_survplot.pdf plot_surv_curve()
Paired Patient Slopegraph 0/BySample/2/Paired/ [feature]_paired.pdf plot_indiv_paired()
Discrete Barplot 0/BySample/2/ and 0/ByPatient/2/ [parameter]_discrete_barplot_full.pdf plot_discrete_barplot()
Overview Boxplot 0/1/2/QC Parameter/, 0/1/2/QC Feature/, 0/1/2/Feature Sets/3/ [parameter]_boxplots.pdf, [feature]_boxplots.pdf, [feature set]_boxplots.pdf plot_overview_boxplot()
Individual Boxplot 0/1/2/QC Parameter/, 0/1/2/QC Feature/, 0/1/2/Feature Sets/3/ [parameter]_boxplots.pdf, [feature]_boxplots.pdf, [feature set]_boxplots.pdf plot_indiv_boxplot()
Profile Barplot 0/1/2/Feature Sets/3/ [feature set]_profile.pdf plot_profile_barplot()
Expression Heatmap 0/1/2/Feature Sets/3/ [feature set]_heatmap.pdf plot_heatmap()
Fold-change (FC) p-value Heatmap 0/1/2/Feature Sets/3/ [feature set]_pval_FC.pdf make_FC.pval_df(), make_FC.pval_plot()
Correlation Plot 0/1 imputed/2/Feature Sets/3/ [feature set]_corrplot.pdf plot_corrplot(), plot_corrplotgg()
Correlation Scatter Plot 0/1 imputed/2/Feature Sets/3/ [feature set]_corrplot.pdf plot_corrscatt()
ID Table 0/1/2/ [comparison].csv

7.4 Quality Control (QC) Plots


  • Informs whether anything is skewed in a comparison. For example, the overall number of positive cells for that stain is higher in high groups (a problem).
  • Verify that a specific metric or data point exists for a stain.
  • Visualized using boxplots (individual and overview).


  • QC Feature: Plot all parameters present for a feature, split by comparison. Note: If your “feature column” parameter is called “Stain”, this folder will be called “QC Stain” in the output folder.
Example of a 'QC feature' overview boxplot (all parameters measured for CD3).

Figure 7.14: Example of a ‘QC feature’ overview boxplot (all parameters measured for CD3).

  • QC Parameter: Plot all features present for a parameter, split by comparison
Example of a 'QC parameter' overview boxplot (all features that have a readout for Num.Pos.per.mm.2).

Figure 7.15: Example of a ‘QC parameter’ overview boxplot (all features that have a readout for Num.Pos.per.mm.2).

7.5 Feature Sets Plots


  • Group relevant features (e.g. biologically relevant).

See Define Feature Sets for workflow/user specifications. Briefly:

Step 1: Specify relevant parameters for each stain.

  • If multiple parameters are present per feature (usually the case in multiparametric imaging data), most will be irrelevant/for QC. The final readout is usually a ratio: (1) /(2), where (1) is quantification metric and (2) is normalization metric.

Step 2: Make sets.

  • Look at a stain in context of other stains within the dataset. Create smaller groups (e.g. T cell, immune, stromal cell features).
  • Multiple plot types are supported for feature sets.